Team Players Needed

Collaborator. This is the word that best describes the ideal school board trustee. He or she is an open-minded person who can objectively weigh another opinion, no matter from where it comes, and work respectfully to resolve differences to achieve the best possible outcomes.

A trustee’s job is difficult. Views on what make a good education and the needs of different communities vary widely. The potential to digress into personal attacks is ever present, but if it happens, the effectiveness of a board will likely diminish. People want a trustee who can articulate their views, and it needs to be someone who also has the negotiating skills of a good diplomat. We cherish our democratic values, which are based on equality and respect for others. From an education perspective, we need school boards to serve as examples of constructive working relationships and democracy in action.

Jacquie Miller’s August 2nd article in the Ottawa Citizen recounts unpleasantness that occurred in the OCDSB during the past term. We need to start the next term on a positive footing. The public has the task of electing a team of trustees who look forward to problem solving together.

UCY will be working to provide voters with the information they need to elect the team of trustees that can accomplish the most for the students of Ottawa.

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