Zone 11: Question 1 Responses

Question 1 – Zone 11 Responses

Will you act to postpone the appointment of a new OCDSB director? If no, what are your reasons? If yes, what are your reasons and how will you act?

Submissions in alphabetical order:
– Travis Croken
– Mark Fisher

Travis Croken – Yes
Thank you for the question regarding postponing the appointment of a new Director of OCDSB. The selection of a new director is an important decision and one which impacts education well into the future. With such a short lapse of time between the appointment and the upcoming election, I feel we must take the opportunity for a fresh start and to make changes in the best interest of the students.

As a candidate for Trustee, I believe the appointment of a new director should be delayed until after the election and is a decision that should be made by the new trustees with the assistance and guidance of the outgoing trustees. Eight incumbents are running for re-election, I do not think it would be prudent to have the current members of the board choose the new director until the electors have decided if they want those members to remain. There was a recent comment that “rookie” trustees should not make such an important decision, yet I disagree. Such a comment is a strong example of why change is needed on the board and shows a lack of confidence not only in the new trustees but in the electors capacity to choose capable representatives. The school board needs fresh insight, not a continuation of the status quo, which I fear is what will happen should the outgoing trustees choose the next director.

The experience of the current board is valuable and must be taken into account. Therefore, I feel it would be best if the current board were to create a short list of candidates they think best fit the position and why? They would then work with the newly elected trustees to allow them to create an informed decision within the 41 days between post-election and the swearing in of the new board on December 3rd. An interim director can fill any void caused by the delay.

From speaking with the public and educators, I have found they are looking for a fresh start and unity. We are in a unique position to provide this, with a newly elected board and a new director. We have the opportunity to move into the future of education with unity, innovation, and strong support for all students. Doing so will be inherently more difficult if the new board is to work with a director, not of their choice. The school board is meant to work together for the maximum benefit of the students and society as a whole. We have a chance to provide proof of concept with how we handle this situation. It is my hope we will work together for the betterment of our schools, and come to an understanding on this important issue. We must work together and strive for one unified voice on the board so that we may provide a stronger voice for our students.

In response to your statement of vision, I would like to state that I believe that we must change how we approach education. We must ensure each student is valued and supported. We must provide innovative and evolving curriculum to keep pace with the changing times and educating needs. Further, we must work to strengthen transparency and feedback. Our schools operate optimally when parents, students, teachers, and the board all work together. Therefore trustees must ensure they are giving sufficient feedback to concerned parents and provide a high level of transparency to build trust.

Mark Fisher – No
Here’s the board’s official statement, which I support.

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) is undertaking a search for a new Director of Education to replace Jennifer Adams who has announced her plans to retire as of December 2018.  In the spring, upon receipt of the Director’s retirement announcement, the Board of Trustees carefully considered the best path forward for the search for a new Director.  Having recognized the need to ensure a smooth transition for the organization, the Board decided to proceed with the Director Selection process.  In June 2018, the Board announced that Boyden, a global executive search firm, had been retained to assist the Board with this important work.  An integral first step in the process was seeking community input. Letters were sent to approximately 200 key stakeholders and community partners inviting them to share their insights into the director role and profile.  Participants were able to complete a survey; meet with the search consultants directly; and/or provide more detailed information by email.  In addition, a link to the survey was posted on the district website allowing any interested person to provide input.  Over 325 survey responses were received.  This information was invaluable in developing the position profile and candidate brief.

The position profile was posted by Boyden and on the district website at the start of July.  After two months of candidate recruitment, the consultant is scheduled to present a list of potential candidates to the Board in the near future.  The Board will conduct interviews and expects to announce the appointment of the next Director of Education by early October.

The appointment of a Director of Education is a legal responsibility of the Board of Trustees.  Some members of the community have questioned whether the appointment of a new Director of Education should be delayed until after the next municipal election.  The Board of Trustees had a serious discussion about the Director selection process and decided it was important that this decision not be delayed for the following reasons:

The planned appointment schedule allows the Board to reflect on their experiences with the Director, reflect on the input from the community and select a candidate that can meet the future needs of the organization.  Most importantly, the planned schedule ensures the new Director will be in place to work with the new Board and allows an opportunity for the district to experience a smooth transition in the most senior leadership position of the organization.

  • The planned appointment schedule ensures that the new Board of Trustees and the new Director of Education will begin their term together – the new Board will be in a position to set priorities for the new Director.  This includes the critical work of developing our next strategic plan which is a key priority for both the Board and Director in the next year.

·         The municipal election will be held October 22nd, however, the new Board of Trustees will not be sworn in until December 3rd, 2018.  This would create a significant delay and the appointment of a new Director could not be done until after the current Director has left – essentially forcing the appointment of an interim Director of Education.

·         The position of Director of Education is highly specialized and requires both experience and credentials unique to the K-12 education sector.  There is not a ready supply of “interim candidates”.  The workload of the Director of Education is significant and cannot simply be assigned, shared or distributed to existing staff without considerable impact.

The current Board of Trustees has intimate knowledge of the workings and needs of the organization and has managed the Director performance appraisal process for the past four years and is well positioned to make a decision that meets the long term needs of our community.  We believe it is in the best interests of our students, their families our staff and the future of the organization to move forward with this process as planned.