Sunday: Session 5 Bios

Sociocracy in Democratic Schools – a case study
Marianne Osório and Charlie Shread; Introduction by Stephanie Shuler

Biographical Information

Stephanie Shuler
A social entrepreneur, Stephanie is the co-founder of The Maui Aloha Project (MAP) – an international social design initiative creating a sustainable eco-village in Maui, Hawaii. Partnering with The University of Toronto and The University of Hawaii, MAP is building an inclusive, intergenerational, and democratic living and learning community. MAP hopes to address societal inequities by co-creating decolonized systems, by encouraging multiliteracies, and by celebrating diversity. The community honours ancient and modern technologies in the pursuit of well-being, for each other and the planet.

Stephanie’s doctoral research at The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at The University of Toronto explores thriving, school choice, and learning disabilities. Stephanie finds joy sharing moments with her three children, in nature, traveling, dancing, and practicing Chi Kong.

Marianne Osório is a Brazilian educator, biologist, researcher and facilitator with a Masters in Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment from the Institute of Education (IOE) of the University College of London (UCL). Her main focus of research has been a liberating and democratic education, according to Paulo Freire’s ideas and currently she is studying (Democratic) School Management (MBA) in Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Marianne worked in state schools in Brazil as a Science teacher, action-researcher, facilitator of democratic practices and coordinator of socio-environmental projects with the students. Currently she offers courses and mentoring about democratic education and sociocracy to schools.

Charlie Shread is an independent filmmaker from the UK. He has a BA in Film Production from the Arts University Bournemouth and has worked for several years as an independent filmmaker creating videos for small organizations dedicated to care for people and the planet. In 2011 he co-founded the community group Change The Future, attempting to address issues with majority rule democracy, exploring decision-making methodologies and collaboration tools in order to bring about a more equitable and ecological society. Charlie also has experience facilitating group workshops and leading activities with children and adults.

Together they created Wondering School in 2016, an independent research project that investigates practices of a liberating education. They have visited more than 40 schools and education projects around the world, produced pedagogical resources (especially videos) and have facilitated dialogue circles and workshops along the way. In 2018 they released their first feature length documentary, School Circles, about democratic schools in the Netherlands that use Sociocracy. They have participated in many Q&As with universities and schools about the School Circles film and have facilitated sociocracy workshops in India, Austria, Germany and Portugal. Today they support schools and learning communities to implement a democratic and humanizing education, and also sociocracy as a system of governance. 

Wondering School:
School Circles film: